From Patricia Bright...
English 056ST is
being run as a pilot this semester for students who placed into English 002 and
English 050 (scored 1 or 2 on the writing). This morning, I received the
following information from Lise-Pauline Barnett, the Chair of the English
Department, about a change to the pilot this Fall on the Harrisburg, Lancaster,
and York Campuses:
spring we noticed a low number of enrollees. After some conversations with
Cindy Doherty, faculty, and some of the deans, the faculty who are teaching
English 056St asked if we could place students in the course who score into
English 002 & a score of 2 and 3 on the writing placement. Since, we are
running this as a pilot, we want to make sure we are gathering the appropriate
data to make a decision in the future about the course.
To clarify, students who place
into English 002 and who score a 2 or 3 on the Writing placement are now
eligible for English 056ST. Students scoring a 1 on the Writing
placement should not be placed into English 056ST. Please let me know
if you have questions for Lise-Pauline.