In general, the requirement is
not an FS (Foundational Studies) requirement. It is an FYS (First Year Seminar)
requirement. Some students are required to complete a course that contains
learning outcomes appropriate for 3-credits of FYS (those who place into 2 or
more developmental courses). Other students are only required to complete a
course that meets the equivalent of a 1-credit FYS component. The Academics
House has developed universal learning outcomes, so any course must contain
these learning outcomes to qualify as fulfilling either 1-credit of 3-credit
requirement. As you might imagine, the 3-credit list is longer and it will be
quite a challenge for courses in other disciplines to incorporate 3-credits
worth of FYS outcomes and still maintain their content focus. So right now, FS
100 is the only course that will satisfy the 3-credit requirement.
However, a few courses outside
of FS have incorporated the smaller number of 1-credit outcomes and can now be
used to satisfy the 1-credit requirement. Those courses are: FS 102, HONR 101,
and EMS 231. We will likely add to that 1-credit list next year as well. Keep
in mind that the EMS course is a 5-credit course and the HONR 101 is a 3-credit
course. But most of the focus is on discipline content. Thus, both HONR 101 and EMS 231 only meet the
1-credit FYS requirement, not the 3-credit requirement.
-FS 103 (fully online students only) -- 3 credits of FYS
-FS 101 (only counts as a 1-credit FYS)
While the status of “FYS” won’t be effective for both FS 103 and FS 101 until fall 2017, we did receive notice from the Provost’s Office last spring that if students took FS 103 in Spring 2017, graduation waiver substitutions could be filed, and those students would receive credit for taking the required FYS course. Upon follow-up, FS 101 was given the same status for Spring 2017.