Many of you have reached out to me regarding the pre-req errors
that students receive when trying to register for back-to-back developmental math courses in the same term (e.g. Spring 2017) but different parts of that term (e.g. first seven weeks, second seven weeks). For example, a common instance of this error occurs when
a student registers for MATH 008 in the first part of term and then tries to
register for MATH 022 in the second part of term, only to get the pre-req error
message. Unfortunately, this same error occurs for all the new math
developmental courses as well.
Know that we are very much aware of this issue and its
potential impact on the college and our students. Central Student Affairs staff and IT are working on the problem,
but there is not an immediate fix available. Therefore, the only short-term fix
is to continue to enter overrides for students. Campuses and advisors might
also consider some outreach to their affected students, just to minimize the
impact on enrollments. Please note that I am happy to work with any counselor,
advisor, or campus to develop such an outreach plan.
Faculty advisors who have difficulty with overrides can reach out to any campus-based advisor -- or the campus Welcome Center -- for help with giving the students overrides.
I apologize for the inconvenience and extra work that results
from this issue. I sincerely wish I could offer an immediate fix, but since I cannot I will continue to push for a resolution and advocate for our students. Thank you for your patience.
Please continue to bring new concerns with the Banner XE registration portal to my attention.
Tim Barshinger